June 30, 2022

New Work Permit Requirements from the Thai Labor Department

The Labor Department has instructed Asia lawyers that starting from today, there are new requirements for all applicants who wish to gain a work permit and also new criteria for existing work permit holders for renewals. They have issued new forms for work permit applications in several classes.

New applicants for work permits will now be required to provide proof of their Education Certificates (BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD) and a reference from their previous employer confirming employment.

The photo size has also changed from 5cm x 6 cm to 3cm x 4 cm.

Extensions of work permits (WP 5) will now also require a map to the office and a medical certificate. The medical certificate is valid for only 6 months so annual renewal of work permits will now require a new medical certificate including the medical exam. (Previously only new applicants needed to provide the medical certificate)

Additionally the medical certificate will also need to indicate the applicant’s blood type.

New forms are now available and can only be used:

WP 1.: New applications for work permits
WP 3. (files include wp.3 and 3.1): petition treated as a pre-requisite while the applicant is outside the country applying for a non-b visa
WP 5.: Extension of work permit
WP 6.: Changes in the current work permit, such as adding a company, change in job title, change in office location (misc changes that do not require the issuance of a new work permit).

Download the new forms at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/477081-new-work-permit-requirements-from-the-labor-department/

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